Virtual Tour of the Temples of Humankind

Damanhur is a federation of spiritual communities founded in 1975 by Oberto Airaudi and grown all over the world starting from the small town of Vidracco, in Val Chiusella, not far from Turin.

As they evolved, they created a grandiose work, the Temples of Humankind, an underground complex carved into the rock, consisting of 12 richly decorated rooms that can be visited, where the community performs rituals and meditations.

No Real Interactive was called in to virtualize the paths during the lockdown period, recreate the meditation experiences remotely and build with Damanhur a new way to enjoy the Temples.

The result is almost a hundred spherical high-resolution photos of the entire temple complex, some 360° videos and a gigapixel image of the Hall of the Earth from 95000×230000 pixels, to appreciate every single detail with your PC, Smartphone or wearing a VR visor.

Temples of Humanity Virtual Tour: